It’s not easy to distinguish between a DUI and a DWI, namely because there aren’t many differences between the two terms. Louisiana state law considers “driving under the influence” and “driving while intoxicated” to describe the same crimes. As such, the state’s representatives may use these acronyms interchangeably.
If you’re facing accusations of driving under the influence of alcohol, Louisiana will categorize your case as a DWI case. If you’re accused of driving under the influence of legal or illegal drugs, the courts may alternatively categorize your case as a DUI case. You can discuss whether or not these categorizations might influence your approach to your case when meeting with a DWI criminal defense attorney at John D. & Eric G. Johnson Law Firm.
Drugs, Alcohol, and Louisiana’s DWI Charges
Louisiana police officers can charge you with a DWI if your blood alcohol content, or BAC, exceeds 0.08%. Driving while intoxicated doesn’t refer strictly to the use of alcohol, though. You may also face DWI charges if local police suspect you of using legal or illegal drugs before getting behind the wheel of a car. You may face DWI charges if officers accuse you of using:
- Marijuana
- Cocaine
- Heroin
- Prescription medications
Likewise, a combined use of alcohol and drugs may see you face compounded criminal charges.
Officers believe that the use of these substances impairs a driver to the point where that driver can no longer safely look out for other people on the road, let alone their own passengers. Officers may subsequently fine or imprison DWI drivers in hopes of discouraging similar behavior in the future.
What to Know About Louisiana’s DWI Charges
DWI charges involving alcohol are identical to DUI charges, and may see you face up to six months of jail time on top of up to $1,000 in fines.
Likewise, if your BAC exceeds 0.15% or 0.20%, officers may compound the charges brought against you. Your consequences may subsequently worsen if you cause an accident while intoxicated, to the point where you may permanently lose your license and face up to 30 years in jail.
Also, if you’re under the age of 21 and have any alcohol in your system, you may face reduced but still severe consequences for your alleged misconduct. In fact, the BAC limit for people under 21 is 0.02%, a full 0.06% less than a legal adult’s chargeable levels of intoxication.
What to Know About Louisiana’s DUI Charges
As mentioned, Louisiana’s DUI charges are identical to its DWI charges, as the two acronyms are functionally interchangeable. The state only distinguishes between these charges if you’re accused of taking drugs before getting behind the wheel. DWI and DUI both refer to charges involving alcohol, whereas only “DWI” refers to charges involving drugs.
How to Fight Back Against Louisiana’s DWI Charges
You have the right to challenge any DWI charges that Louisiana’s criminal courts attempt to level against you. An attorney like Eric G. Johnson can help you brainstorm the legal defense that can minimize or counter your charges. These defenses may include the following:
- Field testing failures
- Inappropriate search and seizure
- Falsified evidence and/or evidence tampering
It’s in your best interest to work with an attorney who understands Louisiana’s DWI laws inside and out. If you want to learn more about Attorney Johnson’s experience, you can book a defense evaluation today.
Fight Back Against DWI Charges in Louisiana With Our Team
John D. & Eric G. Johnson Law Firm understands how frightening DWI charges can be. That’s why we won’t let you go into a fight against the state alone. You can call the firm today to request representation from an attorney with a long history of challenging Louisiana’s unfair criminal laws.
If you’re ready to book a case consultation, call Attorney Johnson at (318) 377-1555 or use our contact form to get in touch.